Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Vemma Incentives: Go for the Gold, Win a Vemma BMW and Earn a Trip to Cancun!

Vemma Incentives!
The Vemma Incentives are the perfect way to motivate your team, encourage excitement and see massive growth and action for everyone.  Vemma is ingenious in the way they have set up their incentive programs to help everyone to see rapid success and movement and encourage huge excitement and team work!

How to Earn the Vemma Incentives: What are the 3 main Vemma Incentives going on right now and how can you earn them?

Vemma "Go for the Gold" Incentive:  The first incentive is so simple, it's almost crazy.... All you do is go through a "cycle" 10 times and you earn your position as Gold Brand Partner and win an all-expense paid trip into corporate headquarters in Scottsdale, Arizona to meet BK Boreyko and the team at Vemma!  (for more information on how to do that fill in the form on the left, click on "Opportunity" at the top and then "How to Get Paid" in the drop down box!)

Win a Vemma BMW!
Vemma BMW Incentive- How to Win a Free BMW with Vemma!  The next incentive offered by Vemma is their BMW program which allows you to earn your very own BMW!  But the most exciting aspect about the Vemma BMW program is that it is financed all on Vemma's credit and dollar and NOT your own!  A huge plus for so many people, especially compared with other companies that have advertised BMW incentives but still require their members to finance the BMW themselves and where those companies issue checks that go towards the payment of the vehicle instead of taking care of it all as a company and leaving you free to just claim it and enjoy it, stress-free!!

Vemma Cancun Incentive Trip- April 2012!
Vemma Cancun Trip Incentive:  The other amazing incentive offered by Vemma is a trip to Cancun in April of 2012!  They will be providing an all-expense paid trip to the Moon Palace Resort in Cancun, Mexico for everyone who meets all the requirements!  And even more unheard of in this instance is what they are doing for those members who earn part of the requirements...in every other company that offers trip incentives, you only win the trip if you meet ALL requirements/points etc....but what Vemma is doing is if you earn 75% of the points, they will pay for 75% of your trip... if you earn 50%, they'll pay for 50% and if you earn just 25%, they'll still pay for 25% of your costs...so you can STILL go on the vacation and spend time with your team, learn a ton and have an incredible trip of a lifetime!!

Next, learn more about how you can earn these Vemma Incentives... fill out the form on the left, click on Opportunities and then Becoming a Brand Partner!! <-----

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